Installing PG Failover Slots

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PG Failover Slots is supported on the same platforms as the Postgres distribution you're using. Support for PG Failover Slots starts with Postgres 11. For details, see:


Before you begin the installation process:

Install the package

The syntax for the RPM package install command is:

sudo <package-manager> -y install pg-<postgres><postgres_version>-pg-failover-slots<major_version>

The syntax for the Debian package install command is:

sudo <package-manager> -y install pg-<postgres><postgres_version>-pg-failover-slots-<major_version>


  • <package-manager>is the package manager used with your operating system:

    Package managerOperating system
    dnfRHEL 8/9 and derivatives
    yumRHEL 7 and derivatives, CentOS 7
    apt-getDebian and derivatives
  • <postgres> is the distribution of Postgres you're using:

    Postgres distributionValue
    EDB Postgres Advanced Serveras
    EDB Postgres Extendedpostgresextended
  • <postgres_version> is the version of Postgres you're using.

  • <major_version> is the major version of PG Failover Slots you're installing.

For example, to install PG Failover Slots 1.0.0 for EDB Postgres Advanced Server 15 on a RHEL 8 platform:

sudo dnf -y install pg-as15-pg-failover-slots1

To install PG Failover Slots 1.0.0 for EDB Postgres Advanced Server 15 on a Debian 11 platform:

sudo apt-get -y install pg-as15-pg-failover-slots-1

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